What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting — Time Restricted Eating — is simply a pattern of eating and not eating. Taking a conscious pause from eating allows the body a much-needed healing rest for the gut, organs, brain, blood, and hormones. It’s the digestive, hormonal, and metabolic rest our bodies require.

We have over 80 hormones - including insulin, cortisol, melatonin, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, leptin, ghrelin - and fasting is the opportunity for our hormones to balance and function optimally. Excess fat is an issue of high circulating insulin, not excessive calories. By keeping insulin low for 12-40 hours, we tap into our fat stores for energy, increase HGH (the anti-aging hormone), ramp up autophagy (deep cellular repair), and maintain sustained energy throughout the day.

People of all ages discover that they are sleeping better, can reduce many medications, experience body recomposition (change shape and size!), and have smooth, clear skin. I want that for YOU!

With 24 hours in each day and seven days in a week, there are countless ways a person can divide up their time between fasting hours and the eating window. Together, we will discover the pattern of eating (and not-eating) that works best for your goals, your schedule, your work, your fitness, your aspirations, your social life, your family time, your body.

The same customization applies to food. We are all different. One way of eating may work well for one person and not for another, so why have we been following cookie-cutter “plans”? For health reasons, some people might need to eliminate certain food categories so their bodies can recover and heal…and feel better!!! Whatever foods you choose to eat, Intermittent Fasting will work for you because of the healing pause you are providing it each day.

Another surprise that daily clean fasting provides is the saving of time, money, and decision-fatigue. Suddenly the mind is more clear and grounded. Peaceful.

This is not a diet, it’s a quiet. Give yourself this gift of healing each day!